6 Simple College Laundry Tips

6 Simple College Laundry Tips

College - just the word sparks stress and excitement in the minds of those about to flee the coop and start their first adulting journey.  The burdens and time constraints of college can mean the little chores and moments of self care pass by, and before you know it you’re up to your eyeballs in dirty underwear.  Take a minute to read through these college laundry tips and keep your clothing situation under control (even when the rest of your life isn’t)!

College - just the word sparks stress and excitement in the minds of those about to flee the coop and start their first adulting journey.  The burdens and time constraints of college can mean the little chores and moments of self care pass by, and before you know it you’re up to your eyeballs in dirty underwear.  Take a minute to read through these college laundry tips and keep your clothing situation under control (even when the rest of your life isn’t)!

Subscribe to Detergent

Avoid laundry emergencies by subscribing to your favorite laundry detergent. Whether you're a college student yourself or the parent of a student, subscribing means you'll never run out. Adjust your subscription settings get a new box at the beginning of each semester. 

Set a timer

Not everyone has an internal clock, and even fewer people have the time to sit in a laundry room to wait for their clothes, especially in college!  Luckily just about everyone has a phone with a timer. Avoid sticky-fingered individuals and irritating anyone waiting for you to move your clothes by being more time conscious.  This tip will help you get back to studying while the timer and washing machine do their jobs!

Put it on your calendar

On the topic of time, don’t be the person showing up to class in the same shirt 4 days in a row because you forgot to do your laundry… again.  Stop letting your laundry pile up by keeping it a scheduled priority. Set a recurring notification to remind yourself that the time to grab your detergent has come once again, and you’ll never wear a dirty shirt again.

Pay attention to settings

A big part of being in college for many people is surviving on a budget, and what’s worse than needing to buy new clothes out of necessity instead of the desire to do so?  Keep your clothing fresh, bright, and free of holes by paying attention to the washer and dryer settings you should be using. Read the tags on your clothing and wash accordingly.  It may seem like another confusing class, but Laundry 101 is an easy pass if you put in a little work!

Study the room

A more long term tip that will be helpful the more you wash is to study how busy the laundry room gets at certain times of the day.  Nobody wants to wait in line to do something nobody has time for in the first place. Scoping out the situation will save you time and give you an edge over your roomies and neighbors!

Don't wait to fold

Often the most dreaded and neglected final step of laundry is the folding and hanging, but it’s all in your mindset.  Rather than leaving your clothing in your laundry bag to get crinkled and wrinkled, consider the process a meditation, or a few uninterrupted moments to decompress from the stresses of school.  You’ll wind up knowing yourself a little better and you won’t look like you just rolled out of bed when you get to class.

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